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Employees, Employers & Lawyers guide to PAYMENT OF BONUS Act & Rules (Soft-copy PDF)


Employees, Employers & Lawyers guide to PAYMENT OF BONUS Act & Rules (Soft-copy PDF)


Clarifications and judicial interpretations pertaining to bonus its –

  • Eligibility,
  • Entitlement and quantum of bonus,
  • Accuracy of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account,
  • Allowances,
  • Uniformity of entitlement to bonus in different units/branches,
  • Allocable surplus,  •Compliances to be made by the employers,
  • Ex-gratia,
  • Bonus to part time employees/daily-wagers/Probationers,
  • Calculation of Set off & Set on,
  • Productivity linked bonus,
  • Obligations of principal employer to pay bonus to the workers of contractor,
  • Maintenance of registers, records & filing of returns,
  • Calculation of payable bonus, •Permissibility of bonus every month,
  • Forfeiture of bonus,
  • Comparison between Payment of Bonus Act & Code on Wages, 2019,
  • Procedure and format of petition for extension of time for paying bonus to employees.

A concise book with Payment of Bonus Act & Rules prepared by two Vakils.

Calculation procedure provided by former executive from Labour Department. 

Useful for Finance/Accounts executive & Chartered Accountants.

Can be availed online (soft copy as .pdf file) for Rs.200.

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