A-43, Lajpat Nagar-2, New Delhi-24 (India) | 011-29830000, 011-29840000 | +91-989-111-44-44, +91-8468-000-000 | Email: info@labourlawreporter.co.in

ESI Act universally implemented across Haryana

 Please take notice that ESI Corporation has issue notification dated 7.6.17, copy enclosed, thereby implementing the provision of ESI Act, 1948 in all 22 District of the State of Haryana. They have covered applicability of ESI Act on the basis of jurisdiction of every district of State.  Therefore, all the factories/establishment   which had have been till now functioning in the non-notified area have automatically come under the purview. Pursuant to this they are required to observe compliance under the provisions of ESI Act, 1948.  In case they are engaging requisite manpower for the purpose of coverage. This notification has been made effective from 1.7.17

Therefore, all the factory /industrial establishments who had been functioning in non-notified area must initiate the process for registration under ESI Act, 1948 as now they have obligation for ensuring statutory compliances as envisaged under ESI, Act, 1948.

 [google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1wx5ZxnA4Yxcm1hWU4xdnpFdkd6YnRkcm0xanEzUW1Mdlhv/preview?usp=drivesdk” title=”esi-haryana.pdf” icon=”https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/pdf” width=”100%” height=”800″ style=”embed”]

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